Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Montevideo, Uruguay

It was Christmas Day when we were in Montevideo.  We hadn't arranged for anything in advance because we thought everything would be closed.  One of our dinner tablemates, Richard from southwestern England, had arranged for a walking tour and invited us to join him.

 Our guide, Bruno, and his mate drink

 We were able to go in to the main cathedral during part of their Christmas mass. 
The music was beautiful.

 The old presidential palace
 The new presidential palace


 Sailing away from Montevideo
Montevideo had lots of interesting buildings in interesting neighborhoods.  Uruguay seems to be living in the shadow of its larger neighbors, Argentina and Brazil.  We were told that it is one of the "greenest" countries in the world and that it was the first country in the world to give all of its elementary school students a laptop.  Quite an achievement!

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