Friday, April 20, 2018

Machu Picchu

The train ride up to Machu Picchu is along the beautiful river valley of the Urubamba
 which drains into the Amazon.

The train ends in Aguas Calientes.  
Then you take a bus up a road with multiple hairpin turns to the entrance to Machu Picchu.
Looking down to the river.

Looking down at the hairpin turns.
No matter how many photos you've seen, the site will still amaze you!

Our guide and tour leader

Our Road Scholar group (there were 15 of us)

The weather was sunny with clouds moving in and out.  If the clouds had been out, we were told that the rock below was carved to mimic the mountain behind it.

Our guide took us all around the site for about three hours.  We took a break for lunch and then came back on our own.  There were less people there in the afternoon and so we saw more llamas.

We thought this llama was posing for us.

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